In our second class of advanced communication skills, we decided to introduce some more fun into the class. We split the class into teams of 5 students each and ask them to enact a scene from everyday life. The students were given a hour to come up with a 5 -10 minute act.
Exactly after an hour we started with the role-plays.Various topics were chosen by different teams.Surprisingly many teams centered their act around social messages. topics varied from property disputes to anti-social elements in society.The winning portrayed the problems faced by 2 Indians in a foreign country.
The students thoroughly enjoyed themselves.Some were natural actors while for many other it was their first acting stint.However the learning from the activity were many.
The students were out of their comfort zone and were still able to perform well. This helped boost their confidence and reduced stage fear.
This was an attempt to provide the students with the opportunity to organize themselves into a working team. The students took the responsibility to come up with the topics for the act, the dialogues, roles, etc.
More importantly it was a great learning with respect to time management.To manage all this in under an hour was indeed a great achievement.
The students learnt the importance of team work, the different situations that they might encounter when working in a team, how to manage dominating people, how to guide a team to success etc.
Overall it was a very pleasurable experience for all of us. We enjoyed ourselves a lot and were glad that this new way of learning to communicate was well appreciated by everyone.